Test Automation

Test Automation Test Automation

Test Automation Tools and Beta Programs

Semiconductor Devices to Market Faster

Accelerate Test with Automation

Tame increased complexity and shrinking market windows with automated test

In an environment where product complexity expands while time to market shrinks, your product quality must remain flawless. Test automation increases quality, drives efficiency, improves accuracy, and reduces time-to-insight.

Every Tektronix instrument is equipped with industry-standard command interfaces and standard communication buses like USB and Ethernet. Over that we layer high-speed APIs, tools, and software to optimize test development time and execution throughput.

Semiconductor Devices to Market Faster

Instrument Control Made Easy

We meet you where you are, whatever the programming environment.

Native instrument drivers translate instrument commands to familiar constructs in a given programming language.

  • Choose from Python, LabVIEW®, CVI, MATLAB, C, C#, .NET or most any other language you find most productive.
  • Get started with tutorials, examples, and videos and gain further insights using our programming reference guides.
Semiconductor Devices to Market Faster

On-Instrument Scripting

Empower your instruments.

Many of our instruments enable TSP® on-instrument scripting to optimize test speed, run headless, and control other instruments in a hybrid bench or rack.

  • Go faster by running test sequences and trigger models directly on the instrument.
  • Optimize complex measurement, triggering, and conditional scenarios without relying on external software.
  • Skip the round trip of data transfer, aggregation, and handshaking with in-line processing and control.


Boost Test Automation with On-Instrument Scripting - What is TSP?
Semiconductor Devices to Market Faster

Instrument Connectivity

Configurable low-code or no-code automation. 

  • Start, configure, and set up in minutes.
  • Reliably sequence, trigger across multiple channels.
  • Combine on-instrument control or sequence test through code: you choose.
  • Optimize level of abstraction. Make uncertainty in wait states a thing of the past.
  • Maximize data throughput off instrument.


Bench software like KickstartTekScopeSignalVu PC, and others provide a blend between instrument automation and point-click simplicity.

Semiconductor Devices to Market Faster

Python Instrument Automation

Replace manual scripting, simplify coding, accelerate testing, and gain efficiencies with intuitive documentation, intelligent code suggestions, and seamless integration. Leverage Python for dynamic test automation.

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Semiconductor Devices to Market Faster

High Speed Interface Beta

Unleash fast data transfers with our High Speed Interface for moving data much faster than traditional methods. Attain rapid, efficient oscilloscope-to-PC data movement, avoid bottlenecks, and gain seamless analysis of large data sets using our High Speed Interface.

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Semiconductor Devices to Market Faster

PI Translation


Our PI Translator acts as a "dictionary" that contains a list of legacy commands and their modern counterparts. It intercepts commands as they are being received by the test instrument, compares them to a set of supported translations, and sends the translated command on to the test instrument firmware.

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Semiconductor Devices to Market Faster

Test Script Processor

Test Script Processor (TSP) is Keithley’s unique instrument control command set and programming language. Unlock the power of embedded on-instrument scripting and expandable testing networks.

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Application Note

Application Note

Application Note

Getting Started with Test Automation in LabVIEW

Getting Started Controlling Instruments with VISA

Getting Started with Oscilloscope Automation in C#

In three steps get started automating test instruments such as oscilloscopes in LabVIEW.

Get started using VISA to write programs and scripts to control instruments across common physical interfaces available on test instrumentation.

Get started using C#, a versatile and powerful programming language with easily integrated third-party libraries for automated test applications.



Application Note

Find Example Programs

The Test Engineering Online Community

Guide to Instrument Programming with TSP

Find programs for use with Keithley or Tektronix test instruments on the Tektronix GitHub Programmatic Control Examples repository.

Facing a tough measurement challenge? Ask questions, explore products and solutions and discuss with other TekTalk members, including Tektronix engineers.

Learn how to use test scripting to load programs directly onto a test instrument and run locally with Test Script Processor (TSP) technology.